keatings innewengland

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Stone Bridge. Photo by Tom Keating, September 15, 2006
Small Stone Bridge near Norwich, Vt.
Green Mountain Flyer Display. Photo by Tom Keating, September 15, 2006
Green Mountain Flyer Display
White River Junction, Vt.
Green Mountain Flyer. Photo by Tom Keating, September 15, 2006
Green Mountain Flyer
White River Junction, Vt.

The Keatings TourNew England
Part 1

Hi Folks

Liz and I went on another covered bridge/train trip to New England. We left on September 15, arriving in White River Junction, Vt.

On the sixteenth. we rode the Green Mountain Railroad "White River Flyer" to Thetford,VT, stopping at the Montshire Museum of Science to see the traveling Smithsonian Covered Bridge exhibit(see scans of station and antique steam engine).

While we were at the Museum we walked on one of trails and I took a picture of a lovely stone bridge.

On September 17 we went covered bridging in the Montpelier area. All of the pictures were taken by me with my new digital camera except the Newell, Station, and Moseley Bridges. These were taken by Liz.

At the end of day, we stopped at the Quechee Gorge state park. I took a picture of the gorge from the bridge and the butterly picture in the gorge itself. I used more of my pictures than Liz's because I have to scan hers individually(she uses a film camera).

Liz is very happy because she has now visited every covered bridge in Vermont.


Upper Cox Brook Bridge 45-12-11. Photo by Tom Keating, September 17, 2006 Station Covered Bridge 45-12-08. Photo by Liz Keating, September 17, 2006
Upper Cox Brook Bridge 45-12-11
Northfield Falls, Vt.
Station Covered Bridge 45-12-08
Northfield Falls, Vt.
Newell Covered Bridge 45-12-10. Photo by Liz Keating, September 17, 2006 Moseley Covered Bridge 45-12-07. Photo by Liz Keating, September 17, 2006
Newell Covered Bridge 45-12-10
Northfield Falls, Vt.
Moseley Covered Bridge 45-12-07
Northfield, Vt.
Slaughter House Covered Bridge 45-12-09. Photo by Tom Keating, September 17, 2006 Brown Bridge. Photo by Liz Keating, September 14, 2005
Slaughter House Covered Bridge 45-12-09
Northfield Falls, Vt.
Slaughter House Covered Bridge 45-12-09
Northfield Falls, Vt.
Quechee Gorge. Photo by Tom Keating, September 17, 2006 Quechee Gorge. Photo by Tom Keating, September 17, 2006
Quechee Gorge
Quechee Gorge

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Joe Nelson, P.O Box 267, Jericho, VT 05465-0267
This file posted 10/29/2006